Süss, Heinz-Martin; Oberauer, Klaus; Wittmann, Werner W.; Wilhelm, Oliver; Schulze, Ralf:
Working-memory capacity explains reasoning ability - and a little bit more.
In: Intelligence, Band 30 (2002), S. 261 - 288
2002Artikel/Aufsatz in Zeitschrift
PsychologieFakultät für Bildungswissenschaften » Institut für Psychologie
Damit verbunden: 1 Publikation(en)
Working-memory capacity explains reasoning ability - and a little bit more.
Süss, Heinz-Martin;Oberauer, Klaus;Wittmann, Werner W.;Wilhelm, OliverUDE
der Hochschule zugeordnete*r Autor*in
Schulze, Ralf


Examined the capacity of working memory in an attempt to explain reasoning ability. 17 working-memory tasks, chosen to represent the proposed facet structure of working memory, was administered together with a test for the Berlin Intelligence Structure Model to 128 participants (aged 18-46 years). The results show that general working-memory capacity was highly related to general intelligence. The strong correlation between working memory and reasoning remains over a large range of different tasks. The relationship of working memory tasks to complex intellectual abilities does not appear to depend solely on any specific feature of a task. The paths from working memory to intelligence factors appear to be highly specific, suggesting that specific working memory resources, as opposed to a general capacity, are the limiting factors for their corresponding counterparts in the structure of mental abilities.