Oberauer, Klaus; Süss, Heinz-Martin; Wilhelm, Oliver; Wittmann, Werner W.:
The multiple faces of working memory: Storage, processing, supervision, and coordination.
In: Intelligence, Band 31 (2003), S. 167 - 193
2003Artikel/Aufsatz in Zeitschrift
PsychologieFakultät für Bildungswissenschaften » Institut für Psychologie
Damit verbunden: 1 Publikation(en)
The multiple faces of working memory: Storage, processing, supervision, and coordination.
Oberauer, Klaus;Süss, Heinz-Martin;Wilhelm, OliverUDE
der Hochschule zugeordnete*r Autor*in
Wittmann, Werner W.


Investigated the distinctiveness of working memory functions and their components against the background of a multi-facet model. 133 university students (mean age 26 years) performed a series of specially constructed working memory tasks. Each task represented an operationalization of specific cells of the proposed taxonomy of working memory functional and content-related facets. Dependent variables included recall performance and reaction time. Structural equation modeling yielded 3 distinct working memory functions: (1) simultaneous storage of information in the context of processing, (2) supervision, and (3) coordination of elements into structures. Further analyses allowed for a more detailed subdivision of each function into specific components. Only a minimal portion of the variance associated with working memory functions is specific to the verbal or the spatial domain. Overall, the findings demonstrate that working memory is best characterized as a highly interrelated collection of cognitive functions.